Kia ora subscriber,
Congratulations everyone, the weekly box office results are in ... and River of Freedom has squeaked into the TOP 10 at #10!! 🚀 This result is extraordinary because of the limited number of cinema screens available to us in our first week of release, we started out with only 16 cinemas agreeing to play our film.

This is great news. 🤔 Why does this matter? ❤️ They cannot ignore us. It puts the film in the history books. The story cannot be forgotten. It keeps us in the cinemas and enables the film to reach the wider audience that needs to see it. Please take your family and friends!

Over this week, our audience has increased, and so has the number of cinemas wanting to come on board with us. We now have 34 cinemas across the country wanting to show our film!

Unfortunately, we have been unable to access certain cities and locations, and are working on this. Please be patient. We also have not been reviewed or acknowledged by the usual media platforms, so are grateful for the media platforms that have been prepared to review the River of Freedom. Thank you! Please see our website for these reviews!

I also want to thank our amazing small distribution and marketing team who have been working tirelessly to make this happen. Most of us are currently working outside our usual roles! Our friendly Cinema Distribution Coordinator, Heidi Watson, is bringing her LOTR transport management skills to a challenging job corralling cinemas. Heidi was there from the start, driving the director on the convoy from Bluff and has Held the Line ever since! A big THANK YOU to our star writer, social firestarter and website wrangler, Meagan McNamara, who is bringing an impressive array of skills from her time as a mental health nurse (now mandated) to filmmaking and film distribution - Health New Zealand's loss is the film industry's gain! Our media liaison, Chantē Neblett, has been expertly fielding the good, the bad and the ugly from the media with alot of joy and insight. If you like the graphics and the poster, please thank Helen! Head to her shop to buy merch and support her team. All those trailers, teasers and voxpop reels? This is the work of editor extraordinaire, with style and grace, Ben Powdrell. Big thanks to Leeane Munro for the graphic quotes and extra editing ! Fran Carney and Mark Lapwood have been working the room across the socials, replying to numerous messages and putting a few trolls back under the bridge! We also thank Josh who has been happily delivering the film to cinemas at very short notice. There are many others helping us in this independent film 'self-distribution' space, everyone has been working hard across many different jobs!

And, finally, given it's our producers birthday today, a really big thank you to Jared Connon, who has been holding this all together from the beginning, taking care of numerous details, never forgetting things, and pulling together the most inspiring, encouraging and beautiful teams of filmmakers I've ever had the priviledge of working with.

Thank you team
Gaylene Barnes
Director ❤️

Thank you 🥰 to everyone who has been in touch with their local cinemas to express an interest in seeing the film. ☎️ We have made contact with all cinemas in the country and would like to please ask you 🙏🏼 to leave this with us now to follow up.

Thank you again for all your support!
For the most up-to-date information head to our Screenings page, click on the cinema near you, and go directly to their website.

Ngā mihi nui, thank you so much!

A huge amount of work has gone into finishing this documentary and getting it into cinemas. Thank you to all of our supporters! Without you, this would not have been possible.
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Ngā mihi nui!