Kia ora subscriber!
Our independent crowd-funded documentary feature film RIVER OF FREEDOM is now finally available on BLU-RAY Disc in High-Definition!
Thank you to those who pre-ordered a Blu-ray—please check your mailbox in the coming week. Unfortunately, the DVD Disc is still another 1-2 weeks away due to various issues. Thank you for your patience!
We recommend the Blu-ray Disc, it is High Definition quality and has more features - 90 minutes extra! The Blu-ray Disc includes fifteen Extra Scenes unable to be included in the final film; more footage from the Convoy NZ; the Trailers and the mini-documentary on the Cinema Release "Fighting To Be Seen"; as well as some extra videos of the musicians.
We think it is worth it to hear Tania Mulvaney's full two-minute korero in Christchurch during the convoy. Or the stunning rendition of Joydah Mae singing "Hands off our Children" on Parliament steps surrounded by the children. Or to stroll around the Freehive Community Garden with Adam. As you know, it is a long film, and we just couldn't fit in so many wonderful gems... :)!
The film can also, fortunately, still be accessed in many places online...
Pre-Order the DVD (shipping in 1-2 weeks)...
Thank you to everyone who has helped to get us this far.
Ngā mihi
Gaylene and the Team
River of Freedom
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