River of Freedom is a feature documentary due for release into cinemas September 2023. Sharing the inside story of the New Zealand Convoy and Parliament protest in February and March 2022 - who the people were, why they were there, and what happened!
We are VERY EXCITED to be able to share with you the dates and locations for the evening FILM PREMIERE EVENTS!!
Tuesday 5 September 2023 in AUCKLAND!
The Civic, 269–287 Queen Street, Cnr Wellesley Street
Wednesday 6 September 2023 in CHRISTCHURCH!
Hoyts at Westfield, 129 Riccarton Road, Riccarton
Thursday 7 September 2023 in WELLINGTON!
Embassy Theatre, 9-11 Kent Terrace, Mt Victoria
Friday 8 September: released around New Zealand!!
More information to follow :)
Stay tuned and please share, share, SHARE!!!
Ngā mihi nui, thank you so much!
We want to thank you all for joining us on this journey. Getting the River of Freedom film into cinemas, and available to the wider public is an enormous task!!!
We want our whānau to see RIVER OF FREEDOM in cinemas!
Please follow us on all our platforms and share share SHARE!
River of Freedom - A Feature Documentary